Home Business Knowledge & Tools Challenges and Limitations of Theory X and Theory Y

Challenges and Limitations of Theory X and Theory Y


Modern revisions including “contingency theorists” argue that Theory Y is not essentially a progressive alternative to a dull Theory X.

Challenges and Limitations of Theory X and Theory Y | Motivation Theory X and Theory Y Challenges and Limitations of Theory X and Theory Y | Motivation limitations of mc gregor theory x and theory y
Challenges and Limitations of Theory X and Theory Y | Motivation

Theory X and Theory Y | McGregor and Leadership | Motivation | HR

The Hard and Soft Approach of Theory X | Key Issues with Theory X

management Implications of Theory Y | Motivation | Leadership

Challenges and Limitations of Theory X and Theory Y:

McGregor’s interpretations characterized his subjective explanation on the world around him. They were not the consequences of investigation or research. They have been applied to decision-making practices rather than to further the conclusions of research work.

The major distinct disadvantage of Theory X and Theory Y is that they are put forward as challenging sets of assumptions — a supervisor is either motivated by Theory X or by Theory Y.

However, modern revisions including “contingency theorists” argue that Theory Y is not essentially a progressive alternative to a dull Theory X.

Both sets of assumptions may be effective, depending on the environments of the circumstances.

However, the main conclusion that McGregor pulls from his effort is that Theory Y is a much more accurate depiction of human behaviour, and for that reason Theory Y Management approaches should be implemented.

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