The internet freedom in the United States declined for the third straight year, says internet watchdog.

While the online environment remains vibrant, diverse, and free from state censorship, the internet freedom in the United States declined for the third straight year, according to a report by an internet watchdog.
The Freedom House, an international internet rights group in its report titled ‘Freedom on the Net’ (FoTN) 2019: The Crisis of Social Media said law enforcement and immigration agencies expanded their surveillance of the public, eschewing oversight, transparency, and accountability mechanisms that might restrain their actions.
Authorities increasingly monitored social media platforms and conducted warrantless searches of travellers’ electronic devices to glean information about constitutionally protected activities such as Peaceful protests and critical reporting, the report said.
China confirmed its status as the world’s worst abuser of internet freedom for the fourth consecutive year, it said.
Iceland became the world’s best protector of internet freedom, having registered no civil or criminal cases against users for online expression during the coverage period, according to its study.
Freedom on the Net is a comprehensive study of internet freedom in 65 countries around the globe, covering 87% of the world’s internet users.
It tracks improvements and declines in internet freedom conditions each year.