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Putting women’s health and empowerment at the center of development

There can’t be women’s empowerment without access to maternal and reproductive health services. Unfortunately, public-sector investment in family planning in lower middle income countries is only 17%. Worse, 54% of the cost of contraceptives is paid out of pocket by most women. A new pledge of over $2 billion will ensure that 20 million more women and girls get access to voluntary family planning services by 2020: http://wrld.bg/TnJY30dOnbi

Putting women’s health and empowerment at the center of development

Twins Ivanka and Sultanka at the World Bank-financed Children’s Center in Yambol, Bulgaria. © Ivelina Taushanova/World Bank Last week on World Population Day, I was thinking of the joy of children and the right of women to decide when to have them. It matters to women, but it matters to society as a…