Home Europe Thomas Pesquet is back at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne to...

Thomas Pesquet is back at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne to perform th…

Thomas Pesquet is back at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne to perform the post-flight parts of his experiments…

Back to the European Astronaut Centre to perform the post-flight part of the GRASP experiment. This time, there was no need for an armada of straps! Another difference to performing the experiment on the ISS: due to gravity on Earth the weight of the virtual reality mask feels much like that of a diving mask. The idea is to align references in 3D with visual and manual stimuli and to react using the remote control or my arm, in order to check the brain’s ability to operate in three dimensions. The data can be compared with what was collected pre-flight in order to help scientists understand the brain mechanisms involved. On Earth, the experiment will allow us to learn more about the loss of vestibular function and help those affected by it.